Car Window Foil - INT - Narrow Format Medium Gray tinted - raamfolie-winkel
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Car Window Foil - INT - Narrow Format Medium Gray tinted

Car Window Foil - INT - Narrow Format Medium Gray tinted
Car Window Foil - INT - Narrow Format Medium Gray tinted
Our car window film series is a non-metallized high-end color film that has been developed using the latest nanotechnology. * Excellent heat dissipation (up to 67%) with high light...
€ 8,12
Our car window film series is a non-metallized high-end color film that has been developed using the latest nanotechnology.

* Excellent heat dissipation (up to 67%) with high light transmission.
* No signal interference with cell phones, navigation systems or radios.
* High user comfort thanks to UV protection
* 2 year guarantee Available variants: 05,25,50